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WindowsXP and Winzip
i prefer tar, bzip2 and gzip myself, but that is because they are open source and create smaller archives, while retaining file permissions. By this logic, i prefer FreeDOS pkzip to anything from RARsoft, since PKzip is closed source. HOWEVER if you use linux, you can get rar and unrar for free from RARsoft, while you still need to pay for the windows version after 40 days (but now i think about it the DOS version might be free too)
I don't know, I paid for WinRar because I like it, and I can extract gzip, Unix archives, as well as cab files and even attachments in mail files.
Unlike PKZip, RarLabs updates their compression - which could be considered bad because you have to update your rar extractor. But don't we want better compression?
quote:Originally posted by Stryker:
any os should be able to do that, microsoft has had it since windows ME. and i've never had to pay for using winzip.
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Winzip is not freeware.
quote:Originally posted by M. O'Brien:
Winzip is not freeware.
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it let me use it without paying, never forced me to pay for anything. it said if i paid it would stop showing a dialog box each time it opened though.
quote:But don't we want better compression?
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Yeah, that's why he uses bz and gz. They compress far better than rar files. Try making tgz and tbz archives of a large amount of code (linux kernel does nicely) and compare them to a rared copy.
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