All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

WindowS & viRuS

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K.  I suppose OSX can install linux as well as other programs due to the fact that it's based on the BSD kernel...
Obviously being able to install apache would give you some not insignificant level of security.  (Apache is still the most secure web server right?  Or is it old skool now?)
My point that it depends on the admin I think still stands...  No system with telnet open and user:guest passord:guest will be secure no matter the kernel. 8-)

Well, that point about HyperCard stacks is kind of moot... Ignoring the fact that I keep saying I use windows, I got lucky and a friend gave me a PowerBook 1400

I noticed while installing OS 8.5 that HyperCard is NOT installed by default.  Though WHY MacOS 8.1 and higher installs Internet Explorer as default browser is both ironic and a mystery...


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