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Anyone else get the feeling they will be the new microsoft?
recent news items are worrying me.:(


--- Quote ---Anyone else get the feeling they will be the new microsoft?
--- End quote ---
I think most-all companies wouldn't do much different to MS in their position. I'd think Apple would delightfully oppress 90%+ of computer users if they had the chance. So I don't hope they get the chance.

Even Redhat would rip us off if they managed to get the majority to buy their software but it will never happen so it doesn't matter.

Of course they would. Redhat as MS would be the best option, since their stuff is GPL, and then we would at least be able to have some control of the software.


--- Quote from: cymon --- since their stuff is GPL
--- End quote ---

Which is fine but they do already have proprietary extensions which they could further develop and screw people over with.

Anyway (like I said) it won't happen so it doesn't matter.


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