Operating Systems > macOS


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i just feel that were this to become apple erad. soc. it would be the first of many.

I've heard people say "Apple is just like Microsoft, but with better software."  I'm not entirely sure if they're as bad as Microsoft*, but regardless, ideally I want a world where no operating system has the market share that Windows does.  That way, it becomes impossible/not worth it to do what MS has in its history.

*Call me when Apple starts using their TPM chip to help out iTunes DRM; that'll be bad, to say the least.  I don't think it'll happen - in fact, the Core2-based machines don't seem to have them, from everything I've read.


--- Quote from: yahurd ---i just feel that were this to become apple erad. soc. it would be the first of many.
--- End quote ---

if we tried to change this to an anti apple site, then the next time the webmaster visits here (in about 2014) the whole thing would be shut down, since as specified many years ago back when the site still had some promise, this site is only really against microsoft because they are against apple (implicitly: NOT because they inhibit proper technological development).


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---Which is fine but they do already have proprietary extensions which they could further develop and screw people over with.
--- End quote ---
You're perfectly right. Ideally, I think as much work as can be will be done by a community rather than a commercial entity naturally bent on making money. So I know what OS I'll use today.

Whilst I strongly agree, paradoxically, (as you know) I still feel that commercial interest in Linux is a good thing, even if there may bea small proprietary element to it. More investment means more users, means a bigger community means more developors. Providing no one company dominates the market, no harm can be done so I don't see any problem at the moment.


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