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I'm using Windows XPee

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quote:Originally posted by Zardoz:

I't good though, I'm impressed. I lived in Spain, I went there (Barcelona) when I was 3, came back when I was 12. I haven't been back for such a long time, I will though soon. And no I don't speak much Catalan. My family was there from 1973 at which point Catalan was illegal to speak.
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Uh, 'Castellano' is not Catalan. 'Castellano' refers to the official Spanish dialect of Spain. I don't know which dialect I learnt, though, all I know is that we learnt more to write than to talk.

Why was Catalan illegal?


quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:

Uh, 'Castellano' is not Catalan. 'Castellano' refers to the official Spanish dialect of Spain. I don't know which dialect I learnt, though, all I know is that we learnt more to write than to talk.

Why was Catalan illegal?
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No, no. You're right Castellano is the official Spanish dialect. Catalan is something altogether different. Catalunya stretches from around Perpignan in France right down pass to Tortosa in Spain. Catalonian is a separate dialect, sort of a cross between French and Spanish. For Example:

"The books" in Catalan:

els llibres

In Castellano:

los libros

It's a very distinct area, with it's own language , cooking literature etc...

Why was it banned? Well the Catalans were on the loosing side in the Spanish Civil War, for the most part they had Labour, Marxist politics and they wanted (still want) independence. Franco made sure after the war that lot's of Castilians moved into that area of Spain to try and dilute the Catalan Population. Speaking Catalan in public was an arrestable offence. So when I was in school out there I learnt Castellano, not Catalan.

The Catalan Flag:

here's a link about Catalan history you might find interesting

Hope this answers your question    ;)

[ September 22, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]

The best way to determine what form of Spanish you know is..

if you pronounce the letter "z" as "seh-tuh" then you're generic spanish, if you pronounce it "theh-tuh" then it's Castellano

I guess it's Castillan Spanish, then, now I think of it. And we also pronounce 'll' as 'ghy' rather than south american 'y', and we used 'vosotros' as opposed to 'ustedes'.


quote:Originally posted by Viper:

I'm not out to convert anyone. I'm not like over-zealous Linux/Mac users who think the whole world needs to be running the same thing that I prefer. I'm not like overzealous Windows users(like that Microsoft Corporation dude) who think the same way over-zealous Linux/Mac users do. It does not make me feel inferior because everybody isn't using what I like to use. Using an OS as a status measurement is retarded.

Quite frankly, I don't give a damn what OS you all use. A person's OS preference is their OS preference. That is all that I can really say about it. I prefer to use Windows for some obvious reasons like it supports all of the software that I use and it runs flawlessly for me. Me saying that I prefer to use it doesn't mean I'm trying to push it on everybody else.

I do however take it upon myself to point out when people are talking complete BS. The thread starter probably isn't full of shit, XP may very well be running laggy on those shitty OEM school computers. However, just because it doesn't run well on shitty computers doesn't mean the OS has lag issues. If you use it on a decent computer it runs like a champ, so the blame for it's poor performance on those comps is the computer hardware...not the OS.

[ September 22, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]
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yes, Windows ME will run grate with a minimum of  a 128mb of ram even if the prossessor is a p1!!!!

But the question here is why should the 'hardware' be at fault?  

Personaly if you wanna use whatever OS you wanna use thats great!  But as far as 'overzellous,' Linux/macs  Nope I don't think so..........

Windows has cost the lives of admins evrywhere because it wasn't coded but stolen.  Too many sleepless nights, too many lost days.......

[ September 23, 2003: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]


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