All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

I finally

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got my new WD harddrive and set up Suse 8.0.
It went as smooth as I've ever seen an OS install.
Geforce3, Terratec soundcard, both my Intel NIC's, everything detected and almost nothing to configure manually.

Now I just have to get used to the file manager
It's mostly after reading the posts of the regulars around here that I decided to go for it, so thanks all ...... and erm, tips are alays welcome  

you're welcome! you are a lucky bugger though, my laptop has done nothing but fuck up in a million irritating ways since i got linux. Actually that's a lie, it was fucking up at least as much when it was windows only... hmmm.

Welcome to the fold, ice...

File manager? What's a file manager?  

Well it seems I have a problem after all, lucky that I can still boot in Linux now  
I decided to reboot my system just to see if the resizing of my Win2K partition didn't fuck up and my system wouldn't boot Windows :/
I restarted in Linux and where in my previous session I could see a Windows dir with files in it, the dir is still there but empty  :(
I still have some stuff to retrieve from that partition (fat32), anyone an idea?

How did you resize your Win* partition? And what type of partition is it (FAT/FAT32/NTFS)?


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