Heh, I'm posting this from work as I was unable to boot neither Linux nor Windows yesterday night, guess my first Linux install wasn't that succesful after all
Well Linux was fine but Windows was fubar.
Win2K repair did nothing, when booting from harddrive all I got was a black screen full of "1" and "0", tried to boot Linux from the boot disk, same result, except that I got a screen full of "1001" and stuff like that.
So I guess I'm back to start, gonna do a fresh install of Win2K and Linux on another drive and try to retrieve my data by setting the actual drive as slave.
Hope it will work this time, any tips on dual booting Win2K/Linux other than not setting up LILO in the MBR?
Thanks all for the help anyway, I guess these are the kind of things that happen during a learning process