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I finally

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it's a funny situation, i would certainly recommend that you set up lilo in the MBR, and i haven't tried GRUB which may be better for you...

However, i would use something like pqmagict in DOS to set up the partition table first and not actually touch it when the install of the OSs is in progress. i would do it as follows:

1: Windows partition
2: 10Mb of free space to stop windows from reaching (and changing) yr linux partition
3: Linux native
4: * A logical partition containing the next two partitions
5: - linux swap partition
6: - a fat32 partition for any files that are not system related.

the last one there will enable you to piss about with both systems while never coming near your actual files, also you will be able to access those files from both OSs, and it leaves you free to have win2ooo as an NTFS installation.

finally, if yr BIOS is set up to boot from a floppy, you should have no problem booting from a startup floppy unless the disk is corrupt. the BIOS looks for a floppy and boots from it without ever reading the hard drive at all.

[ June 04, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

It seems obvious that the system won't look at the drive at all when booting from a floppy, I guess something went wrong during the process of making the linux boot disk (Linux told me that the disk was created ok though).
But when I boot from floppy, screen goes dark and nothing else but "1" and "0" all over the place.

However I printed out this whole thread and some of threads plus some exerpts of Suse faq's.
Gonna try a few more things when I get home later and if nothing works I'll start over from scratch.

Well, it seems that SuSE's advice really is a bit scary for a newbie. As it involves editing the lilo.conf file I would suggest that you try oyt other alternatives before deciding to go on with this. If, on the other hand, nothing works then try SuSE's advice as a last resort. I wish you good luck  ;)

editing lilo.conf isn't that hard for a newbie, if you are following a printed guide, here's a couple of quite helpful looking links:
this one has all the stuff you will probably have found out already, but deceptively simple
this one looks incredibly good, with instructions for how to read the documentation that is already on your machine and links to other howto guides and so on.

hope this is of some help at least, i edited lilo.conf as a newbie and there is nothing to be afraid of, i think it's better to get used to editing text files than relying on graphical tools, you may as well use windows otherwise!

Hey, I would like to thank all the people who tried to help me out with this.
Like I said in a prvious post I tried some stuff (which didn't work) and I started again from scratch.
Now it works like a charm, well actually Linux is set up already and now I still have like a few hours of work to get Win2K to the point where it took Linux 30 minutes to be  
I have 1 little problem to resolve though  ;)
I can't see my mouse cursor in Linux, the correct mouse is selected, i can click and if I'm lucky and happen to be over an icon it will work, if I right-click a menu appears so apparently it works fine, except for the fact that I can't see the cursor.
Now if you guys would throw in the extra help for this I would be grateful for the rest of my life  


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