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I finally

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You could try configuring your mouse from sax2. All you have to do is to log in as root and click on the Sax2 configuration tool.

Heh, thanks man but :
Click on the Sax2 configuration tool how cute  
You ever tried to click on an icon when you can't see your mouse pointer?  ;)

Now, I managed to log in as root and found Sax (I think) but it doesn't work, probably because I can't click on OK after making changes.
Now, I would edit my XF86Config, but I haven't got the faintest idea of what to put in it .....
My mouse is a M$ Intellimouse Web with scroll wheel.

Oops, sorry    . Well, if in graphical mode do the following: 1)Switch to text mode by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1, 2) Log in as root, 3) Switch to runlevel 3 by typing "init 3" (without the quotation marks) at the prompt. After that just enter the command sax2. That's all..

If I were in your place I wouldn't edit the XF86Config file. This could prove to be a catastrophic move for a newbie. If nothing else works, especially sax2, then you should try a bit of editing. I'm sure that some guys here would say that you should go on with editing. It's not that simple though.

IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot, I will be grateful for the rest of my humble life  
If you ever plan a trip to Belgium, let me know, we'll have a few beers  ;)


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