All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
I finally
The partition is Fat32 and Yast2 resized it automatically to 17GB (coming from 40) ext3.
Weird thing is I was able to access files in that dir before I rebooted :(
Just ignore the "ext3", it's the journalling system I chose, nothing to do with my Win partition.
That's funny. I'm using SuSE Linux 8.0 as well but haven't had any problems with my Win partition yet. Did you partition manually or let YAST2 do the whole job?
I let Yast do the whole job.
I think I know what your problem is... Do you mean you can't see the windows files when booted in Linux? Sounds like your Windows partition is not mounted. "/windows" would just be the mount directory. Open a shell and type "mount" which will list what partitions are mounted. Then to mount your Windows partition you would "mount /windows" (or use whatever directory is your Win partition mount point). Also, not being familiar with SuSe or Yast I would be willing to bet that Yast has a graphical mount utility that will set up the partitions that you want to mount and weather to mount them at boot time.
[ June 03, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
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