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It finally happened

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After 43 days of operation, my Win 98 server went BSOD. Actually though... It's still running, but won't connect to the net... Not a very useful  server that way though.

I think I'll put XP on it and see how long that goes.

Save money; make it a Linux server.

I hate to tell you but win98 has a known memory leak...which by the way Micr$haft did not fix in ME.  Frankly I am shocked you made it run that long.

Yep. The 43 or 47 (can't remember) days of uptime bug. That just shows you that Windows REALLY sucks, and can't stay up for more than 1.5 months.

EDIT: Ahh, there it is. Win98 crashes 49.7 days (if you make it that far):
This site has a description and patch (if you don't have M$ blocked);EN-US;216641

[ December 17, 2002: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

Doctor V:
If you're gonna put up a new server, at least throw Mandrake or somthing on there.  No sense in throwing away money on WP.  


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