All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows XP Source Tree
This is old but...
I wonder...someone here has to be familiar with the Linux source tree right? Well, by looking at the above link, does this prove that Windows is really bloated? (That is, are there too many files for as many fuctions as presented?)
They should compile it for i586 already... it's not like someone with a 386 computer would want to install Windows XP on it
quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
They should compile it for i586 already... it's not like someone with a 386 computer would want to install Windows XP on it
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X11 would sure try.
quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
They should compile it for i586 already... it's not like someone with a 386 computer would want to install Windows XP on it
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lol I just noticed that :D Hell, they should compile it for i686, since a Pentium 1 can't run it very well either. :D
not too long ago all major linux distros came compiled for i386, I know a lot of people use old pc's for linux but never the less they should compile a version for updated computers...
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