All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

The "XP" in Windows XP

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Could someone tell me what the hell XP means???  or is it just another lame name that microsoft had to make up?

MS's interpretation: eXPerience

Dictionary: Symbol or monogram for Christ or Christianity (from X and P, the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ) (top result): Cross Polarization

Check my sig for what all the other ones mean   :D

well when i bought sound forge 5 (it came out in early to mid 2001) i found that the crippledbutyoustillpayforit version was known as "Sound Forge XP Studio 5". This sucks. Good job the full version is just known as "Sound Forge 5" because i don't want to ever have XP on my machine...

still, that was the first time i heard of XP and i still don't know what it means. 'extra pee'?

eXtremely Pricey?

Master of Reality:
it stand for 'Fuck MS'.... wait..... nevermind.... I'm drunk


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