All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Netscape 7.0 is father of IE 6.0

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Opera has beautiful skins though!

And so does Windows XP. But if I have to choose between something that looks good, but sucks (Windows XP) or look reasonable and kicks ass (GNU/Linux), I'd choose the second one.

mozilla's skins are almost as good as operas and definitely as varied.


quote:Originally posted by devlkore:
*cough*use opera*cough*
--- End quote ---

Mozilla is definitely better as is any other browser that uses the Gecko rendering engine, like Camino, Phoenix etc. Opera and IE suck at "positioning" and use too many proprietary filters. On the other hand any browser based on Gecko will get the job right!   ;)

IE??? Is a piece of crap, no doubt about it, it has to be one of the most unreliable browsers out there. It's the bain of my life, I guarantee that if I'm developing a site it will work on everything else except IE, it''s a fucking waste of hard drive. OK point in case:

Developed an interface that usd linked CSS to change the style of rollover, so on "hover" the link becomes italic, Moz, Safari, Opera etc... no problems. IE, no it can't do that because say an italic verdana 12px font is NOT the same as verdana 12px regular.

Microsoft sucks, boycot M$, do not let them win.  :mad:


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