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Netscape 7.0 is father of IE 6.0

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quote:Originally posted by xinix:
Too bad that most websites support Exploder and Netscape exclusively. This is why I rely heavily on Netscape.

I've called my bank and other places where I can't use other browser (like Konqueror) and was told that for "security reasons" they only stick to IE or Netscape. I told those dumbfound stupid fuckheads that if they're concerned about security, they ought to block Exploder.
--- End quote ---

That's funny. For I know a person who actually use nothing but IE for internet banking and general browsing and says "The updates will keep the browser nice and sercuer" lol. I have tried to convert him to Mozilla or at least Netscape, but he just won't budge.


Well, the only reason that I use Explorer is because I have no choice.  It is the ONLY browser that supports

Before you ask, I play AC, and that is (in reality) NOT a microsoft product

Unless someone can tell me of any other browser that works perfectly at starting my game?

Yeah-I`ve tried a few browsers lately.Opera`s more fun to use than most.But I used the latest Mozilla build and it seems faster than any other browser I`ve tried.Being a beta, it did have it`s faults which is understandable.I stopped using IE some time ago...

Faust: is a microsoft address, that's why.
Trust msn to not make their sites standards compliant.  :rolleyes:   Hey does anyone know how to "misreport" your browser?  I wonder if we could trick into thinking we were using IE.  It would probably work then.  ;)

what you want is the prefab bar.
it does alot of things, one of which is to mask your browser.
i dont have a link but i found it on this forum so a search would yield results.


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