All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Netscape 7.0 is father of IE 6.0
A lot of these forums got deleted by X11 a while back didn't they? I think I'll check google, much quiker anyway.
I use Mozilla. Never used Linux but Ive been moving away from microsoft for a long while. We have linux boxes in the kitchern and I telnet in to coompile in C. I use Mac primarily, and OSX, but I load up Darwin, OS X on the laptop as well.
konqueror has this ability. goto the site in question and click tools ---> change browser identification.
have fun with this
Has anyone tried Mozilla Firebird (still in beta 0.6)? I just finished installing it to a zip disk to run when I am at work. It's pretty fast, and comes with a nice smooth default skin and lots of customizing options. Just type 'about:config' in the address bar and it takes you to a huge list of customizing options, and it also worked for my bank's website which "requires" IE with no ad ons or plugins
[ May 30, 2003: Message edited by: Engineer ]
I'm using Mozilla, recently upgraded to 1.3
I found Opera to be cool, but I didn't like the banner. Is that still part of the free version?
If Netscape 7.0 is like 6.0, its too bloated.
Keep IE around to poke fun at. But never use it to browse--certainly not internet banking.
BTW: about those 600,000 suckers who installed XP security updates and couldn't log on to the web due to conflicts with Symantec software.
69whatthef*ck69 are you listening.
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