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Netscape 7.0 is father of IE 6.0

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quote:Originally posted by Engineer:
Has anyone tried Mozilla Firebird (still in beta 0.6)? I just finished installing it to a zip disk to run when I am at work. It's pretty fast, and comes with a nice smooth default skin and lots of customizing options. Just type 'about:config' in the address bar and it takes you to a huge list of customizing options, and it also worked for my bank's website which "requires" IE with no ad ons or plugins


[ May 30, 2003: Message edited by: Engineer ]
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yes i have been using it since version 0.1 and it kicks every other browser's ass. also the prefbar appears to work in it on all versions i have tried despite xulplanet apologising profusely that it didn't.

get mozillafirebird, it's the future. it really is too, mozilla are ditching mozilla in favour of firebird + a modular suite of chat/email etc programs.

LOL you use windows, but hate IE !?

Sigh  :rolleyes:


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