All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Netscape 7.0 is father of IE 6.0

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just two days ago, a mate of mine said he had "problems" with my website. i replied "are you using IE? If so can i convince you to use a decent browser such as mozilla or phoenix?" and he basically replied later in the day saying "now using mozilla, it's great, any idea what's wrong with IE?", which was the golden opportunity to move in for the kill. he's already said he's interested in ditching windows (no prompting from me)

what i'm getting at is, don't poopoo somebody for saying netscape rules, welcome to the board, swapnil, hope you have a chance to try a lot of other non microsoft equivelants.


quote:Originally posted by Calum: crusader for peace & freedom:
what i'm getting at is, don't poopoo somebody for saying netscape rules, welcome to the board, swapnil, hope you have a chance to try a lot of other non microsoft equivelants.
--- End quote ---

Certainly! Using a non-IE browser is definitely a big step forward! I just wish more and more people started using alternative browsers for starters.

Yes IE does suck, I laugh at my roomate everytime he sends me a link that exploits IE by opening up 500 cmd prompts or going into some endless java sprawl because they never work, well not on my browser anyway.


Too bad that most websites support Exploder and Netscape exclusively. This is why I rely heavily on Netscape.

I've called my bank and other places where I can't use other browser (like Konqueror) and was told that for "security reasons" they only stick to IE or Netscape. I told those dumbfound stupid fuckheads that if they're concerned about security, they ought to block Exploder.

Phoenix is best browser..but it's needs to install all plugins when you start with flash, java , real, win media player,,ets..but afterall it's stops pop ups. good bug handling. good speed.


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