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Help! Windows XP


My computer at work was just recently switched from Windows 98 to Windows XP.  I previously had been using Riddler's step by step method of erasing files (cache, cookies, history, etc.)  and it was working just fine.  
I am having trouble using Riddler's method with Windows XP.  I am not sure how to get into the DOS mode.  When I turn the computer off and then re-boot and hold down the F8 key, I don't get the DOS option screen where the "Command Prompt Only" option shows.  What am I doing wrong?
Also, when I was using Riddler's method with Windows 98, the first command prompt of "DELTREE/Y TEMP"  would sometimes say, "Deleting TEMP files", and sometimes it would show nothing.  Why is that?
Any enlightenment you can offer me would be genuinely appreciated.  Thank you!

why not ask whoever runs your IT department? If nobody does (which is likely the case) then ask a supervisor. Ask your employer to pay for a call to microsoft and ask them.

i had xp running on a secondary computer awile ago.
the only dos that you can get too with xp is crap of course.
what you might try is throwing in a 98 boot disc and run your program from there.
there are sites that have all of the old dos boot discs. if you need them.

windows xp, 2000, or any of the nt os, does not have dos.  that is for the dos/95/98/me family.  It has a built in command prompt but that is all.

windows is shit. period. use something that is worthwhile. better yet, present to your work, a solution that is superior and cheaper. fuck windows. especially xp.....[/ass]


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