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Changing Icon of The .EXE file in Visual Basic 6.0 (and red hat 8.0 licence)

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i see! so it's only these people who resell the red hat download edition that need to change the name?

i just sent off for a copy of xyz linux for

Interesting. I am curious if these burner houses would have contacted Red Hat before hand like the web site states, whether Red Hat might just have given them permission to sell the CDs and call them Red Hat?  If nothing else they may have given them guidelines to follow. To be totally clear that they are selling the download version and not the boxed set containing the official manuals w/support etc... It almost looks like they never even talked to Red Hat about it. But according to the online trademark restrictions they are doing the right thing by changing the name until they have written approval to use it.

On a side note, assuming they just pulled the logo RPMs you could always download/install them after you install your copy.  

Technically they could stop you from distributing the logos as they're not covered by free software licences, but they can't stop you from saying "I downloaded these isos from" or "we can't name this distribution but the words "Red Hat" appear frequently in the source code."

flap, i see from your signature that you are a fan of George Bush quotes. he really generates the highest number of fascinating quotes i have ever heard from any one person!

and void main, logo rpms? you mean i just rpm -Uvh them and hey presto, all the red hat logos appear all over my desktops and stuff? i wonder if i could do this with another distro, say download the logo rpm for SuSE or Corel linux or something, and install that on my new xyz xyz linux system?


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
and void main, logo rpms? you mean i just rpm -Uvh them and hey presto, all the red hat logos appear all over my desktops and stuff?

--- End quote ---

Roger that chief.

 i wonder if i could do this with another distro, say download the logo rpm for SuSE or Corel linux or something, and install that on my new xyz xyz linux system?
--- End quote ---

Possibly but doubtful. Depends on how they have their Window manager configuration directories set up. Certainly with a little tweaking anything is possible.


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