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Changing Icon of The .EXE file in Visual Basic 6.0 (and red hat 8.0 licence)

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quote:flap, i see from your signature that you are a fan of George Bush quotes. he really generates the highest number of fascinating quotes i have ever heard from any one person!
--- End quote ---
George W. Bush quotes: Columbia Central
Live Free or Die: Linux

Their fundamental design flaws are completely concealed by their superficial design flaws.

Loopers, since you're obviously new to the MicroSnot conspiracy, I'll give you a hand.  The only way to change the icon of the executable, created from Visual Basic is to have a windows Icon file.  You have to set the "Icon" property of the particular form.  Now you might be asking "How do I get/create an icon file?".  The only way I know is to use Visual C++, it has it's own icon editor.

Therefore, if you want to create Winblows apps, avoid Visual Basic like the plague, used Visual C++.

Personally, I prefer using Linux with the Qt libraries.  Qt is 100% C++, has libraries for XWindows, Sockets and more (none of that incline C crap).

how's he going to learn the way out if you direct him further in?


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