All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Changing Icon of The .EXE file in Visual Basic 6.0 (and red hat 8.0 licence)
since you are only beginning in vb, i think it would be wise to stop now, before your brain is completely lost to M$. as for helping, im sorry, i wouldnt ever use VisualBasic. and again. We are the Microsoft Eradication Society. we are not Microsoft Tech Support. If you are having trouble getting rid of vb, we can surely help with that
quote:Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * PC Commando:
Loopers does, which is why I posted the answer. Would you rather I told him to piss off to some other site? 'cos I can do that, you know.
--- End quote ---
actually, i think that this site here would be the most useful to loopers, as somebody said already, however i think for specific windows questions it would be best to ask at the Windows BS as most of the posters here don't give a fuck, sorry i meant don't know that much about microsoft's proprietary software.
I know quite a lot about it, one of the reasons I decided to stop using it.
try this. I promise you, you will love it C++ heaven enviroment
but you will need one of THESE to make THIS run smooth and nice.
Hope that helped you a little
*sorry Void I couldnt resist. I am a bad copycat i know :(
[ December 16, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas [The F*en Linux Militant] ]
I don't know if it's the same sort of thing but... Python - anyone have an opinion on this.
There are several editors, I'm trying Idle.
Python editors at
All open source and lovely.
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