All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Defrag on RAID 0
I have raid striping; when I defrag, does all the data get moved to only one drive or does defraging help even the data out on the two drives? I guess my question is, how does a defrag work on a RAID 0 set of HD's?
Probably, it puts data like this:
D1(B1)+D2(B2)+D1(B3)+D2(B4)+D1(B5)+D2(B6) (D=drive)
So teh data looks like this:
B1+B2+B3+B4+B5+B6 (B=block)
PS: Could you remove the white space in that Kerry button? It makes your sig too big. EDIT: It's fine now. :confused:
[ March 15, 2004: Message edited by: WMD ]
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