All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Beta of XP SP2 released

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Why not just disable the messenger service?


quote:Originally posted by Uipe:
Ya but for lot's of people I know (the non geeks and for whome pcs are made eliens) MSN is the only thing they use in there computer it's like an ICQ program where you just need hotmail (that is the only email acount they can use ...), it used to be mIRC but now they use it instead, some of them when ask me if I can format and install WinXP (if I tell them about linux they call me nazi or anti-christ.... oki I am something like an Anti-Christ but not a nazi....)  the first thing they ask me is if they can still use msn... so if menseger is not set as default in this version they will have an heart atack when they upgrade.... so many phone call I will recieve "Filipe plesea help me msn as disepeard HAAAAA!!!!"..... lol

[ January 05, 2004: Message edited by: Uipe ]
--- End quote ---

windows messenger service is not msn messenger

Doesn't it connect on the same protocol?


Windows Messenger Service is a command-line utility that make pop-up dialogs show up across a LAN.

Nothing to do with MSN.

the "net send" utility


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