All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Beta of XP SP2 released

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shouldnt this belong in the microsoft news forum?


quote:Originally posted by Jens14:
shouldnt this belong in the microsoft news forum?
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It deals spcifically with windows operating systems.


quote:Originally posted by WMD:

Windows Messenger Service is a command-line utility that make pop-up dialogs show up across a LAN.

Nothing to do with MSN.
--- End quote ---

Command line? It connects to the same exact service as MSN. Is there something I'm violently missing here?


quote:Originally posted by restin256:

Command line? It connects to the same exact service as MSN. Is there something I'm violently missing here?
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Yes.  That screenshot is not of the program/service we are talking about here (I know the title is confusing, thank MS for that).


quote:restin256: Command line? It connects to the same exact service as MSN. Is there something I'm violently missing here?
--- End quote ---

We are talking about the command line command "net send" and the messenger service which can be found in the services MMC.

We are not talking about MSN Messenger or Windows Messenger.


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