All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Boot Menu

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well, just re-install XP, it won't erase your files, it will just re-install the os, and then you will have a boot menu w/98 and xp on it.

Yes, that was my next problem. XP was the core OS on my laptop, and so it didn't come with the XP CD. So either way, I don't think it's possible now.

ooooh yes, i just got a new Omnibook, same problem :-(.  No XP cd really makes it difficult to rescue your system.

Well, not to push my favorite OS or anything, but if you installed linux, that bootloader could boot XP as well.  Or you could, in 98, download  and install another bootloader, such as bootmagic.  That would put another 'boot menu' on your computer.

Thanks again. I've now restored the laptop back to factory settings, and will remember BootMagic if I need to install Win98 again. Thanks for your help.

anytime   ;)


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