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Reasons not to use Windows...

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My brother is a big Windows fan, and he says that you guys are a bunch of hippies who don't use Windows just because its run by a big company that pushes people around.  He says Windows is the best OS and while Microsoft may have done some bad things they still provide the best computing solution by far.    If anyone wants to convince him otherwise, post here your reasons you think Windows is bad or why Linux, Mac, or another platform is a better solution, either from an end users's point of view or from a technical standpoint.

PS Don't talk about how bad Win 9x/ME is because he agrees it is buggy and full of memory leaks and security holes too     Your reasons have to be leveled at 2000/XP.  After all, attacking Win 9x for stability problems would be like me attacking Mac OS 9 for having poor multitasking when OS X has superb multitasking.


GUI wise, not necesserly multitasking, Windows is severely flawd over MacOS:

Death of a thousand stings, this article has been mentiond thrughout the forum.

Also, there is little we could tell you that is not in the latest fetured article by the guys at . Check out all the crap M$ riped off.

Furthermore, M$ dosn't have the end user in mind at all. They care more about money than creating a good product. Think of the new product activeation rules.  Last time I heard when you bought something you were supposed to own it and the makeres have no right to check up on you.

M$'s software is inferior to it's alternatives. MS  Office is overbloated tripe. Why not use several of the free variants or AppleWorks on the Mac which provides all of the same functionality with no bloat.

Security on both XP and 2k is a joke. We all know about the NSA and CIA keys as well as all the gaping holes in the system. Windows in general is a virus trap.

And let's not get in to the argument that this is due to popularity. The fact is that UNIX based systems are infact quite difficult to write virii for.

UNIX based computers are based on an ever growing and changing open source platform. This makes the system organic as it constantly evolves freely and in to new unexplored areas. M$ can't compeate with the army's of developers behind UNIX/Linux and as a result ALL of it's OS's are nothing more than patched up hacks.

NT and 2k BTW have shown tale-tel signs that M$ has infact incorparated aspects of FreeBSD.

M$'s ethics are fucked up. They look to crush competition and steal all of their products and force it on people.

M$ dosn't respect peoples freedoms and seeks to monopolize every information medium from TV to the Internet. More importantly have been it's practices squarely aimed at dominating the key information pipelines the net provides. .NET anyone?

They want to crush open source not by defeating it thrugh competition and inovation but thrugh FUD tactics and actual desception. Read some of the post's in this forum for details.

M$ is on the warpath to destroy GNU and GPL. Why? Because they are a clear threat to their market dominance considering that they produce a non-corpret free entety that creates software that rivals and surpases their own.

M$ is going so far as to actually attempt to outlaw open source.

I dunno.. the list goes on and on.

If you wan't a specific OS which I think is excelent I have to once again say OS X. It provides the stability of UNIX and probably the most elegant and well designed GUI in the world. Plus it's core is open source and every day I see more and more developers coming to the platform. Not necissarly big companies but little free software types from the UNIX/Linux world.

Maybe we are idealistic Hippies. But I would rather live in a world were ideals and dreams are still valued rather than the shallow cold capitalist hell M$ would rather have us encased in.

Garden Knome.. Not too long ago, you posted a very informative and interesting narrative called "dispersing the linux lies"  You seem to have completed a miraculous 180 degree switch and reading your posts now, anyone would think you have been a linux advocate and "minister of the gospel" for ages.  Im really curious.  Was there some amazing revelation that occurred, were you struck by a bolt from above, simply got caught up in the hype or saw some kind of a vision..???
Really a very quick turnaround......Not intended to be insulting.  Im just very curious.

Send me some of that stuff you have been smoking X11 it must be REAL good!!
You forgot one.
*X11 fell on his head.

average user, about what caused my "turn around," read what I say in the post "why my next computer won't be a mac" in the mac forum.  It is a long post and I don't want to wear out my toes typing it again.


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