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Now that is something I would love to get into.. If I could get ahold of a G4 mobo and build my own Mac!!!  AnY!! info anyone can give me on this would be much appreciated!


quote:Originally posted by average user:
Now that is something I would love to get into.. If I could get ahold of a G4 mobo and build my own Mac!!!  AnY!! info anyone can give me on this would be much appreciated!
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I remember the dude said he snaged some of the more propriatary parts off of eBay and canabalizing older Macs. You can find butcherd Mac bit's on eBay and in other places.

Then he got the rest of the parts thrugh the usual channels and riged it all up and got it working. He got the case off of eBay too. It was an 800Mhz G4 but it was running in a 450Mhz Yosemity case, pretty cool.

I was thinking, Apple gets even their proprietary part's tailor made by various 3rd party manufacturers. For example, Apple included an IBM harddrive on my computer, and alot of other components are manufatured by Mitsumi and fujitsu. maybe it's possible to actually buy the part's from the supplier.

Building a Mac has allways been a hobby project amongst users, one fellow built one into a wooden chassie that he built himself because he coulden't find a suitable case    .


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:

Building a Mac has allways been a hobby project amongst users, one fellow built one into a wooden chassie that he built himself because he coulden't find a suitable case        .
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Or you could use Lego

Compubrick 6100

Very customizable, and easy to modify if you need more drive bays, or cooling    


[ April 07, 2002: Message edited by: Druid ]


quote:WOW! I just checked in the forum and the threads only go back so far. The post is gone! Who was it that posted the article, if your still on here who ever you were, Id like to check that post out again... darn that sux  
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no, you can see all the posts by changing the settings in your "My Profile".
By default it's set to 45 days, but you can set it to show all posts like i did.
Also, there was a fairly recent post in the mac forums too, about a company that builds custom macs with new insides but 'classic' exteriors at a rate of one or two a month, did you see that one?

Master of Reality:
yay!!!, i am completely MS free! (on this computer)


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