Author Topic: Reasons not to use Windows...  (Read 1537 times)

Master of Reality

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Reasons not to use Windows...
« Reply #15 on: 9 April 2002, 08:25 »
actually, i'm sorry to say, but i have windows on my other (old) computer. I need 16 more megs of RAM to run red hat, and i will get that 16 MB soon. Or i may find an alternative.
Perhaps Kaladix or FreeBSD?, i am gonna use it to run as an internet server for my cable internet (maybe even a Proxy, i dunno yet)
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Reasons not to use Windows...
« Reply #16 on: 9 April 2002, 08:45 »
Why not both? Heck you can turn it into a Cable router/proxy/firewall/DNS/DHCP, and more server.
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Reasons not to use Windows...
« Reply #17 on: 9 April 2002, 21:15 »
More stable: I haven't crashed yet in 3 months on win XP. I dont know what you do to your computer to crash it so much. (Probably put holes in it).

With a slight tweak of Windows XP, you can crash it with CTRL-PRTSCR.

Free: Linux is only free if your time is worthless. Unless your a Debian Dweeb who tweaks his computer 24/7.

Ha!  It takes me 90 minutes to download a 3-CD set - 30 minutes for one CD, which is usually all you need.  It takes longer than that to drive to the store to blow hundreds of dollars on Windows.  I'd rather have Linux downloading while I chill, eat dinner, or whatever.  Fuck paying $200 for POS software.  That's $200 I don't need to waste.

Bugs: I haven't found a bug except a minor keyboard one that happens a few times that wont let me type in my password. Dont get me started on the vast array of linux bugs you get when you pull the SuSE CDs right out of the box.

You can't honestly think that Windows has no bugs.  Windows has so many bugs that Microsoft has implemented Windows Update, specifically to patch the bugs.  But let's here about these Linux bugs.  I enjoy comedy.

Netscape looks better than IE: What in the name of God are you smoking? Crack/Hash/LSD? Netscape is as ugly as Bin Laden soaked in rat feces. And its slow too.

Looks are opinion.  Of course, if you think a simple gray window with no color except for a blue gradient looks good, I pity you and I'm afraid to meet your girlfriend.  Speed... well IE doesn't even run in Linux so I don't give a rat's ass.

Linux can handle up to 16 ethernet cards: Um.... why?

Because 16 NICs can be useful.  Duh!

Therefore, I have dashed your mere dreams of Linux against the harsh rocks.

Quite contrary.  You've rejuvenated my hatred for Microshit and caused a sudden urge to go on another reformatting spree to rid my house of Evilsoft.

Now that's just comparing Windows to Linux in terms of quality.  Add on top of that Microsoft's illegal business, dirty tricks, and big brother attitude, and you get one mean anti-Microsoft SOB.


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Reasons not to use Windows...
« Reply #18 on: 10 April 2002, 04:18 »
I really haven't found many bugs in Windows XP, maybe if your some hacker who really tweaks and digs into his computer you can find some bugs, but for a desktop environment it seems really stable. BUT I dont see why any company would blow money for Windows XP servers... if your server just routs info and sits there, a linux server is best. And Windows XP is $80 if you buy the OEM like I did. Now... 30 mins for 1 CD? You must have cable, took me over 1 month to download all of Mandrake (24k connection). I ended up buying Red Hat for $80 because my crappy connection, so XP and Red Hat boxed versions are equally expensive. And with the Red Hat boxed version I get nice manuals and stuff which I like. Only feature of XP I dont like is product activation...
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Gooseberry Clock

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Reasons not to use Windows...
« Reply #19 on: 10 April 2002, 23:33 »
Originally posted by X11:
* Linux can handle upto 16 Ethernet Cards
* Linux can handle upto 16 IDE Interfaces

Really? I'd like to see you fit them all in.


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Reasons not to use Windows...
« Reply #20 on: 11 April 2002, 07:06 »
Originally posted by X11:
* Linux can handle upto 16 Ethernet Cards
* Linux can handle upto 16 IDE Interfaces

Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
Really? I'd like to see you fit them all in.

The point isn't that you cant find a mobo that can do this.  The point is that if you had a mobo that could do this, you would be able to.  I'm sure if someone said it was a disadvantage that Windows 95 only supports 32MB hard drives,  someone else might have lashed back with a witty statement like the one you gave.  

You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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Reasons not to use Windows...
« Reply #21 on: 11 April 2002, 07:32 »
Originally posted by X11:
Oh 16 network cards, well my dads work use linux
for a server that has yes... 16 network cards.

need I say more?  

Also, someone posted the wrong web site for the leggo computer:


You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?