All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Reasons not to use Windows...

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quote:Originally posted by X11:
* Linux can handle upto 16 Ethernet Cards
* Linux can handle upto 16 IDE Interfaces

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quote:Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
Really? I'd like to see you fit them all in.
--- End quote ---

The point isn't that you cant find a mobo that can do this.  The point is that if you had a mobo that could do this, you would be able to.  I'm sure if someone said it was a disadvantage that Windows 95 only supports 32MB hard drives,  someone else might have lashed back with a witty statement like the one you gave.  


quote:Originally posted by X11:
Oh 16 network cards, well my dads work use linux
for a server that has yes... 16 network cards.

--- End quote ---

need I say more?  

Also, someone posted the wrong web site for the leggo computer:



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