hehehe, i wish i could,i am currently telling him about all the advanced features of linux. i think though, i might win him over to linux next time windows dies and refuses to come back from the dead. my dad and i have had to work some odd magic to ressurect the windows box, and for some time it farked up once week requireing a reinstall, also a four gig harddrive would kill it and would kill my computer that was running windows at the time like it was a harddrive meant for tux's love, now under redhat 7.3, the harddrive works perfectly. in fact, i have both harddrives that would kill the windows boxes in my linuxbox and it works great. i am going to try to get him to install linux on his laptop after we get back from vacation. once he really gets a look of the performance of quake3 and unreal and unreal tournament and if i can get him into neverwinter nights /*should be able to, we both liked diablo 2*/ he might switch.