All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

pretty f*ckin weird!!!!

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You might have better luck using: "chdir" sometimes it doesn't like the simple CD command.

...but I'm starting to forget these things...  :D

i know i know Linux is better, i did already try chdir and cd, neither work. but i will try the other suggestion from whoever that was. I would use Linux, but i've said this in other posts im in graphic design, so i need to use OS that support the software i have to use.

Ok, you've been through enough. Before you type the "CD" command type "C:".

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by void main:
Ok, you've been through enough. Before you type the "CD" command type "C:".
--- End quote ---

calum already mentioned that above.
I thought the graphic design business belonged to MAc    
What abot a dual boot with windows and Linux?

Did I forget to mention that typing "C:" before typing "CD" might help?


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