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doesnt' microsoft internet connection shareing have a hard limit of five useers, i have 5 computers on my network and when my dad tried to link in his laptop to the network, it didn't work  :mad:  and i had to reboot the windows me computer doing the routing, and would anyone have a good clean article about using linux to route and the benifits over ICS. if he had hard evidence that a linux router/proxy would kick the shit out of ICS and keep in mind that his main system that he uses all the time is doing the routing.i might be able to get him to use it. it was either that or my crappy isp, belive me, cable modems are not all there are chalked up to be. /*they are very fast though*/


thanks voidmain, i think i can now pitch this to him

i never had a prob w/ my router in linux


can't help but to say this

   :mad:    obvoisly your router isn't a windoze box     :mad:  

and if it is, i am suprised. and for that matter i never had problems hooking up a linux computer to my schools network which by the way is a winnt network, go figure they don't even like openoffice /*my writing sucks arse so i am allowed to use a laptop in class, but im *not* supposed to take it out on the network, it was too easy to though hahhahhahahah */

[ June 14, 2002: Message edited by: choasforages ]

[ June 14, 2002: Message edited by: choasforages ]


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