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Windows does not actually know how many other computers are in the network. all it knows is that the DHCP assigned it a LAN IP and it's going to use it to connect. if it's fudged, it is the router.

hehehe, i wish i could,i am currently telling him about all the advanced features of linux. i think though, i might win him over to linux next time windows dies and refuses to come back from the dead. my dad and i have had to work some odd magic to ressurect the windows box, and for some time it farked up once week requireing a reinstall, also a four gig harddrive would kill it and would kill my computer that was running windows at the time like it was a harddrive meant for tux's love, now under redhat 7.3, the harddrive works perfectly. in fact, i have both harddrives that would kill the windows boxes in my linuxbox and it works great. i am going to try to get him to install linux on his laptop after we get back from vacation. once he really gets a look of the performance of quake3 and unreal and unreal tournament and if i can get him into neverwinter nights /*should be able to, we both liked diablo 2*/ he might switch.

ummm, it kills itself, no help needed, i just need to convince him to dual boot next it hangs itself and doesn't want to come back from the land of the dead

isn't this dude like goose. ok ill make my self blindly obvoiuse, I DO NOT WANT TO USE ANYTHING WINDOWS, i think you can understand that. i was asking in this thread about ways other then using windows to share the internet connection.  ok, most other posts in this thread had use and merit, that one did not. hey calum or x11, how do routers like netgear's and linksys's compare. i know i could read endless amounts of reviews. but you probably have first hand experiance with these devices

I have a lot of experience with hardware routers and firewalls from home usage on up to large corporate networks.  And for you and your dad's case that might be the best happy medium solution. If you can afford it I would suggest a Netscreen 5.  Netscreen is a great hardware firewall company and with this little device you will not only be able to share the internet connection to all your internal machines but it's an excellent firewall. One of the best features of it is IPSec VPN is built in, however, it is unlikely that you will use that feature, so my second choice would be the Linksys Cable/DSL router.  It does much of what the Netscreen does but does not have IPSec VPN capablility. And as a bonus the Linksys is much cheaper.  They can be had for around $100 here in the US. I would suggest the 4 port model, which acts as a router/firewall and a 4 port ethernet switch.  Hardware firewall is much better than running personal firewalls on each computer (as long as you configure them correctly, obviously).


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