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So, what the hell is this .net shit?  What is it used for and how does it compare to NT?

No, I actually tried it...

It's slow and has anoying features... Windows NT half-decent, and probably the best OS Microsoft ever made... made a bit, because IBM made most of Windows NT.

To stay on-topic, Windows .NET, which is now called Windows Server 2003, is a joke as a web-server, or even a desktop OS... it's slower and more anoying than any previous Windows versions you ever saw. The main reason people are still buying Windows, because it's easy-to-use (if your not counting the all the bugs and random crashes).
Windows Server 2003 (NOTE: the alpha version which we tested), however is more complicated than it should be.

[ January 26, 2003: Message edited by: Refalm ]

already posted

What is .net based on (i.e.  UNIX, NT, etc...)


quote:Originally posted by Paladin9:
What is .net based on (i.e.  UNIX, NT, etc...)
--- End quote ---

unix... lol, it's microsoft we're talking about here. I'm sure it's NT. if you are intrested look around for information. i posted a link in the thread in my previous post.


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