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.NET server is simply Windows XP Server Edition.

I have RC2 and boy oh boy does it bloooooow. It's like XP, without the gooey fischer-price shit, and slower.


quote:Originally posted by chaosforages:
when the servers in the backend crash the machenery in the factorys, thats one degree/*too little*/ of seperation
--- End quote ---


.NET isn't an OS btw. There might be a .net edition of windows but .net as a whole is just a set of web-oriented client/server technologies and dev tools.

To give an idea of what a pig .net server is I installed the RC2 version on an older system Dual Pentium Pro 200 with 128 MB of RAM and just to boot up to desktop it was sucking up 188 MB of swap file. I did find one way to fix all problems with it. I'm now installing Redhat 8.0 on the same system isntead of .net aka XP wanna-be server

Officially,. .NET "is the Microsoft XML Web services platform, a way of working that allow you to create software as a service." At least that's what the press release says.Back here in real life, the whole .NET thing is really just a Microsoft vision based on distributed computing, a dream of being able to share information over the Internet regardless of operating system, device or programming language.
- by Karl Moore

but for me .NET is just a clone of a JAVA wherein you can run one program to a multi platform, I've heared they hire one Suns personnel to design this .NET thing.


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