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quote:Originally posted by cdhgold:
To give an idea of what a pig .net server is I installed the RC2 version on an older system Dual Pentium Pro 200 with 128 MB of RAM and just to boot up to desktop it was sucking up 188 MB of swap file. I did find one way to fix all problems with it. I'm now installing Redhat 8.0 on the same system isntead of .net aka XP wanna-be server
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maybe you should read the requirements before installing..


quote:Originally posted by Vader76:
maybe you should read the requirements before installing..
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you are an idiot. where is the sense in upgrading all of my hardware just to run an operating system?? i am currently running redhat 8 on a pII 450 with like 124 mb ram. just try that with windows (pick a version). you shouldnt have to upgrade hardware everytime windows releases another bloated peice of spyware that they call an operating system.


quote:Originally posted by Xyle: iGeek...:

you are an idiot. where is the sense in upgrading all of my hardware just to run an operating system?? i am currently running redhat 8 on a pII 450 with like 124 mb ram. just try that with windows (pick a version). you shouldnt have to upgrade hardware everytime windows releases another bloated peice of spyware that they call an operating system.
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this is name calling already? very childish
you can't compare the 2 OS. Get with the times. Do you expect all the new software to run on old machines?  Why don't you run the redhat 8 on a old 286.

For your information I do have a P166 with 128MB RAM running .NET. And it runs fine for what it suppose to do (Web server and DNS Server)

Good answer what .NET is


quote:Originally posted by X11: Slackware Commando.:
Vader76, you get with the times, Multiuser, a decent shell, how do i ssh to my Windows .NET system and do anything usefull. Windows Terminal Services? bahahahaha maybe on a lan, but accross cable or T1? hell no. Give me a shell account anyday.
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I do remote access via terminal services every day form my school to home (DSL) with no probs at all. No lag at all. Its almost like working on the machine if you were actually there.


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