All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!

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Confirmed by a leaked memo:

Somehow, I'm not surprised.

Of course, we all suspected it.

I'm not surprised either.  

When will people ever learn? The whole school system over here has been taken over by these nasty windows boxes. I can't believe the teachers allow it - just goes to show how LITTLE people know about computers these days.


Refalm: When will people ever learn? The whole school system over here has been taken over by these nasty windows boxes. I can't believe the teachers allow it - just goes to show how LITTLE people know about computers these days.
--- End quote ---

Welcome on our wonderful forum! Anyway, the first experience teacher have with computers these days is Windows. Some schools run Macintosh's and even some Linux, and those teachers look very weird when they see a BSOD  :rolleyes:

Don't call them "windows boxes". You can run Linux on a PC too  


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