All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

absurd prices

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You think SQL is bad?  Come on, in New Zealand (nowhere near Texas) M$ WORD costs $1000, M$ EXCEL costs $1000, M$ ACCESS costs $2000 and OFFICE costs $2500

i got MS office 97 i thnk it is for about 250 Canadian, i think Word is a pretty good program  

What the fuck, $20,000 per processor? How the hell can that be legal? unless of course they are supplying the processors (which I would instantly replace). Seriosly, are they providing the hardware or just some crappy server software? I have a little 400mhz that could handle what they are offering...

i'm on Linux and i do use MySQL, isn't that ironic  

now if a microsoft dummy i would be like 6 grand (US dollars) in the hole.

Doctor V:

quote:Originally posted by Stryker:
What the fuck, $20,000 per processor? How the hell can that be legal? --
--- End quote ---

How can it be legal?  Easy be a multi-billionaire.  Then anything is legal.  M$ survives by using under the table deals, buying politicians, and uber-expensive lawyers.

As far as code goes, the difference between Win2K server and Win2K Advanced server is probably very very small.  Hell I wouldn't be shocked if it were the exact same OS but with one small variable being different.  Talking about only a x=2 vs. x=8 somewhere hidden in the code.  Its possible, no?  The only real difference is about 3000$ on the price tag.

What really bothers me as that people actually buy this shit.  But, as stated above, thats how suits think.  The saying goes, "you get what you pay for".  Nothing but fucktards Were talking about the "important" people here, you know, the ones that make all the decisions.  If it wasn't for such people, M$ would have fallen under long ago.



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