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Windows XP or Mac OS X?
You may or may not have noticed that Windows XP reminds me of another Os. Mac Os X. When I got a copy of Windows Xp from a friend (ha - that 'one copy per user' thing is obviously bollocks seeing as I have used the same copy of XP on 4 computers) I noticed that they ripped off Apple in more ways than one. Windows Movie Maker (iMovie for mac users) Windows Media Player (although this program has been around for a while, its new facelift and features rip off iTunes on Mac) - When you enter text on a password field, instead of the text being starred out it is 'dotted' out - ahem .. Mac os X. Even when you log in to the OS, it is all RIPPED OFF. Windows XP is supposed to be a revolutionary OS yet with 32 bit coding it is way way way behind the 128 bit coding and speed of Mac Os X. Basically, XP is FUCKING SHIT. Microsoft are too lazy to even think of an original name for their piece of shit OS. What more can I say?
"Where would the Mac Os be if there wasn't an Operating System to be better than?"
--- Give me your thoughts and opinions on XP ---
Yeah, you covered most of the bases I think. The thing that annoys me most about XP is how it insists on treating the user like a fucking moron; it's been a while since I did my test run of XP, so that's about the only other thing I can remember.
But, more or less, XP is just Win2K with a facelift; no revolutionary technology anywhere in it. If you want proof, consider this: Win2K would show up as NT 5.0 on certain websites, and XP shows up as NT 5.1 . . .
Oh, and Windows Movie Maker/Media Player don't have anywhere near the same user-friendliness of the Apple counterparts, either! (-;
[ January 18, 2002: Message edited by: gump420 ]
and OSX is unix based. If you have ever used Linux, you would appreciate how much work they did to basically exclude the command line completely from the OS. In Linux you need the command line all of the time.
It took four machines before you figured out XP was crap? Pretty slow eh? I refuse to install it on any machine, I'm not helping to spread that virus. And Billy_Gates, I prefer the command line by the way, maybe you just talked me out of a Mac. I was very interested before hearing this.... After about 10 minutes of running a mouse I get a serious pain in my arm. I know it sounds strange but I could type 30 hours staight and the only thing that gets sore is my ass.
[ January 27, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
It took four machines before you figured out XP was crap? Pretty slow eh? I refuse to install it on any machine, I'm not helping to spread that virus. And Billy_Gates, I prefer the command line by the way, maybe you just talked me out of a Mac. I was very interested before hearing this.... After about 10 minutes of running a mouse I get a serious pain in my arm. I know it sounds strange but I could type 30 hours staight and the only thing that gets sore is my ass.
[ January 27, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
--- End quote ---
Oh, you can still use the command line; it's just not "necessary" to use Mac OS X (i.e. if you use it like a Macintosh and not like a UNIX box). However, I use the command line all the time, either by running or firing up an X-Windows server and using an xterm.
Honestly, I prefer the command line to using the OS X Finder for quite a lot of tasks; in fact, you basically can't access the UNIX side of OS X in the Finder at all, so for me the command line is quite necessary.
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