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quote:Originally posted by [xile@localhost]$:

Oh =) just a misunderstanding then.

Wow... this post really went off topic    
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yes. yes it did.

as for not bothering to code html correctly and bitching about ie. If you were any decent at coding and designing web pages, your site would function properly in all browsers. If you code using the STANDARDS handed down from the w3c, then you wouldn't have to worry about this. Fuck. Use your head. Microsoft doesn't make the rules. You don't have to do what they say. I swear, when we all go down in a glorious ball of fire, it will be written in new bibles and holy documents that it was the fault of the sheeple. They spread the disease of apathy and carelessness and let them selves be destroyed. or something like that...


quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
For the people that didn't now: don't use <font> tags when you're already using style-sheets. I know it sounds logic, but many web developers seem to forget that.
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Font tags should not be used in XHTML (or at least HMTL 4.01) anyway, there depricated for <span/> and classes. Or at least they should be.

What I hate the most is this <DIV class=blah><span class=blahblah>...</SPAN></DIV>

Check the standards out people ALL attributes are in quote marks. Personal taste, all tags I think should be lower case, but make your mind up! Infact this site does this! The front page has 134 errors!

You really should get winex. I know it costs money but cough...emule...cough.


quote:Originally posted by ecsyle:951: for not bothering to code html correctly and bitching about ie. If you were any decent at coding and designing web pages, your site would function properly in all browsers. If you code using the STANDARDS handed down from the w3c, then you wouldn't have to worry about this.
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Hmm, not quite so. Eventhough one's site may comply with the W3C standards, it won't display properly on all browsers. For example, Netscape 4.* and IE 5.* have a terrible time interpreting Level 2 CSS code, eventhough as I mentioned, they may validate just fine. Bottom line is, it all comes down to the browser.  


quote:Originally posted by Panos:

Hmm, not quite so. Eventhough one's site may comply with the W3C standards, it won't display properly on all browsers. For example, Netscape 4.* and IE 5.* have a terrible time interpreting Level 2 CSS code, eventhough as I mentioned, they may validate just fine. Bottom line is, it all comes down to the browser.    
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yeah. i should have worded that differently.


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