All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
best of the worst
well no shit LMFAO....old quote i still love: "1 virus found.........DELETE WINBLOWS? YES or NO" lol...but does anyone have a list of the reg keys and files, etc. that get rid of the phone home bullshit for XPOS. i know it's gonna be a long ass list but can some1 get it to me? l8r
[ July 19, 2002: Message edited by: RedHat SW ]
well, first off, i would recommend uses fake shit to install it like, prince of darknest, 666 satan's way. and such things like
i recommend windows millenium for the windows side. It will teach your friend the true meaning of windows.
or windows 95 maybe.
try windows 3.1...
It's got to be Windows 95 release 3 hasn't it? The most stable of them all in my opinion
its not milliunium edition, its moloster edition, cause thats what it does to your mind, every use windows and feel that your mind is being violated???
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