All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
best of the worst
the best part of millenium running with ie5.5 is the constant "explorer.exe has caused an error in Kernel32.dll and must be shut down"
isn't that great when you're browsing?? ;)
yeah, it is, but not if your useing it, i always get a laugh when ie/*it doesn't deserve CAPITALS*/ crashes on my dad. he for some reason thinks its adaquite
why doesn't he just use the latest stable version of mozilla? what a dumbass (sorry if that's offe3nsive, i meant in a totally superficial way...)
I know this wasn't an option but hook him up with
Winblowz NT4.0 Workstation SP6 It's the sam kernel and patchlevel as Win2K, is a smaller install, is *fully* "Configurable" (figure that one out folks), and will run faster than win2k and crash about as much.....
Jesus, that was too much information....especially for a debian geek....*sigh* :rolleyes:
i use windows ME for my games. It was a rushed stopgap before they dropped dos, they didn't drop dos, they locked it out. But i have managed to get it stable! DOS is easily accessable with a boot disk, and if i wanted i imagine i could add it to my boot menu.
It seems to run all the newest games just dandy, i am a pretty big gamer.
ut it took me a while, lots of registry changes and stuff, because i had to turn off a lot of shit basicly.
I dunno about you but DOS support is pretty important to me, i have many old games.
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