All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
best of the worst
Win2k is more of a "business" OS. It doesn't have all the drivers and support that seriuos gaming needs. If your friend doesn't go out and buy every new game on the market and is by and large happy with what he has, there might not be a problem.
Win98se is getting a little old for the new games. That is, in the how soon can we make you buy new software world of M$.
For the newest games XPee may be the best solution. That includes doing the weekly updates to fix those critical problems that miraculiously appear from nowhere.
Not being a gamer myself, I don't know what else to say.
yea same here man....all my games i play are linux ported.....only 1 game tho that i'm working on: Warcraft 3...that game fuckin rulz but it ain't linux ported so i gotta boot up my little 2.5gig partition i gave winblows and installed that game lol but i'm still usin 98 lol but i've really only use that shit for that 1 game and thats about it lol redhat all the way for me....but mostly all my buddy does is play games and do homework and shit....almost all his games are new except like half-life which is kinda old...but i don't wanna fuck him over with microshit bullshit spyware so i need a list of all the shit that covers the phone home so i can nuke it...i've also got the beta build 1073(i think) leaked release of the winXP SP1...but yea don't really need stability jus somethin that plays winshit games fine....98se would be considered with xpee lol but ripped apart from hell XPos looks a little better for gaming....i'm setting him up with a dual boot of a winblows and either mandrake or redhat linux....linux will be used to anything and everything but winblows games....he's a good friend but still gonna charge him for the setup, spendin too much time with this job so i gotta charge, thats basically why i'm lookin for the best gaming winblows& a linux dual boot so i can spend least amount of time plaing tech support c ya
i do shitloads of work for friends and never charge, with friends, money is a thing best left out of it. unless you are buying stuff. i still think that win2k is the least abusive on, however, in win98, its performance is a little better
i wasn't the one who brought up the charge but it ain't much...basically nothin for profit, money is jus for the cd-rs and shit....also sold him some hardware, vid card and hp cd burner...but basically it's jus expenses he's payin lol but can some1 give me a full or close to full list of all the phone home Microshit spyware? lik reg keys, files, etc....l8r
imho *all* the windows os's are spyware
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