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Windows & RAM management (or lack thereof)


Let me start out by saying that Microsoft SUCKS!! I feel better!

Does anyone have the same problem as I do with Windows inefficiently managing the computer's resources? After using two of three programs, after 30 minutes, I have no memory left on my computer. What the hell is up with that? And it seems like the more RAM I add to my computer, the worse the problem becomes.

I would welcome any verbal lashings for Microsoft or any solutions to this problem.


[ February 04, 2002: Message edited by: JD ]

You must be using Win9x. Win9x has horrible memory management(it leaks alot). That is one of the reasons why I have been using the NT kernel since Win2K. Get Windows 2000 or Windows XP and your memory leakage problems will no longer exist.

Master of Reality:
Windows XP has some major internet security holes in it. I wouldnt suggest using it until microsoft fixes them.

Get your hands on a partioning program such as PartitionMagic; you can also use fdisk, but that requires backing up and restoring all your data.

Anyway, make a second partion on your hard drive that is 4 times the amount of RAM you have (i.e. if you have 128MB then this partition should be 512MB). Then go into the System control panel and tell Windows to use your second partition for your swap space. This solution doesn't fix everything, but it does improve the performance of the Win9x kernel.


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