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Even more of a reason for them to "do shit".  I suppose if not one of you using that copy of XP ever connects to the Internet you "might" be safe, at least if you never tell anyone that your using it, and as long as you never break the law for anything else that might cause a search of your residence, or any one of the other 19 people break the law and have a search of their residence.

Quite true.  But i could care less about what MS thinks.  MS can screw off, cuz there software isnt worth the box its packaged in.  I would much rather use other stuff, but free has a nice ring to it.


quote:Originally posted by MSPirater:
Quite true.  But i could care less about what MS thinks.  MS can screw off, cuz there software isnt worth the box its packaged in.  I would much rather use other stuff, but free has a nice ring to it.
--- End quote ---

Well then what the hell are you running XP for?  Get a real OS, one that's free.  Oh, and be legal.

Hi Everyone,
This is my first time using this forum.
I have a problem regarding XP.
I have a desktop PC and a Laptop PC.
I purchased the xp home edition, only to find that i cannot install the same disk on my laptop. I have installed it on my desktop pc ok, but it seems if i want to install it on my Laptop, i have to buy another disk. It is the activate thing.
Can anyone please tell me how i can overcome this without having to buy another disk?

Many thanks


quote:Originally posted by tobefree:
Hi Everyone,
This is my first time using this forum.
I have a problem regarding XP.
I have a desktop PC and a Laptop PC.
I purchased the xp home edition, only to find that i cannot install the same disk on my laptop. I have installed it on my desktop pc ok, but it seems if i want to install it on my Laptop, i have to buy another disk. It is the activate thing.
Can anyone please tell me how i can overcome this without having to buy another disk?

Many thanks
--- End quote ---

Sounds like you got screwed by MS. I suggest you go to and buy a copy of Mandrake 8.1 costing a whole $5.95 plus S+H for the 3 disk set. Or you can download it off their site and burn it to cd's for free.
You can install it on as many systems as you want. It is very user friendly.



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