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XP vs 2K

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I recently fdisked my drive and replaced the POS xp with win2k which btw is so much better than XP.

The interface is extremely snappy compared to XP.
XP for some F&Q^$D reason forced my ata100 drive to run in PIO mode. Also every time I tried to use a second screen I would get a BSOD. I upgrade to 2k and suddenly everything works fine - even the SB Live software that cause BSOD's on winxp.

So much for microserf's claims that windows xp is more reliable, fast, resource efficient (winxp runs 4 instances of svchosts.exe where win2k only runs 1)

BTW. Im installing redhat 7.1 today . RH7.1 because I cant download any other version (stupid f&*&$#g optus@home 3gig dl limit.

ummm, i have a 2.5 gig download cap. now considering a few months ago i downloaded the sgi version of redhat 7.3 and the three normal discs. freebsd, darwin, debian, did a few net installs of debian, keep a gnutella client running.

I would download it but half of it is used (approx 1.7gig) and I share it with the rest of my family so   :(  

BTW. Windows 2k has the compatibility dialogue that allows ppl to run apps in win95/98/nt4 compatibility modes like in XP. All you need is a registry hack that I cant remember.


I'm on Optus@home, i signed up about a month and a half before the new limit   :D    :D  . I just downloaded Red hat 7.3 the other day, but i can't install it   :confused:  , i get right to the end (2 packages left, around 6 meg) then it asks for the 3rd CD, i put it in, and it says "can't read from device mnt/setup/somethingorother..." I tried burning another copy of it, but i still got the same error. I think it might be something to do with my HDD (is that possible?), because I also have problems partitioning (something about partition table not aligned correctly or something) but I've tried deleteing all partitions and starting again twice with no luck. I also tried mandrake 8.2 which has worked in the past, but it didn't this time so i think it's the HDD. um... what was this topic about again?  ah yes, 2k vs XP. No doubt about it, 2k is much better. From my experience it is much more reliable, much less annoying, and it lets me run office 2k which i need for work. It is slightly slower than XP on games though (at least from what i've seen on my family's computer, 600MHz, 384Mb ram and 32mb gforcemx200). I don't notice any difference on my computer though, but it's specs are a lot higher, so maybe the difference is only noticeable/applicable on lower spec systems.

2.5 gig limit! That sucks!  I mean 2.5 gigs alot but still, i'd be pissed if cox put a limit on my service.  Another thing why would anyone ever name their company cox?  Maybe a woman owns it.


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