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XP vs 2K

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Master of Reality:
wow winXP User, you made me see the light... I am going out right now to pay $1200 on copies of winxp for all of my computers! What the hell was i thinking when i put free software on my computers.


quote:choasforages: wow, win2k is great for servers, just hope that they don't bsod when servering your pages, actally, reall servers use UN*X, now go away DIE MOTHERFUCK
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1. choasforages lied... Windows 2000 has no blue screen.

2. choasforages spoke the truth, Windows 2000 needs much hard-disk space and a 133 MHz chip just to run. It needs a 233 MHz chip to run normally.
On a UNIX based server, you can set up a webserver on a 486.


quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
Windows 2000 is nice, and I'd recommend it for servers, but XP is so much better for desktop use, what with the driver support, camera/scanner auto-setup, beautiful GUI, etc.
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Please don't make me go there - windows XP is worse than pathetic.

This is like that old question we used to ask each other in fifth grade: "If you were forced to choose, what would you rather do:  Eat a bag of shit? Or drink a jar of piss?"

WinXP is easier to use but it has lots of problems for me such as not letting me register after i formatted (told me that my CD key was already used, WELL DUH!!!) so i'm pretty much forced to crack the damn thing just so i can use a LEGAL COPY I PAID FOR!!!

i have a bit of a fondness for Win2k. when i say i hate Windows, 2k is somewhat exempt from a lot of the problems i say Windows has  ;)


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