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XP vs 2K

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I don't think a woman owns it because if i ran an isp, there would be no download limit. I figure if you pay for something, then you should be able to download as much as you want. Of course, being an IRC freak, i would last about four days on a 2.5 gig limit. :D  
As for XP vs. Win2k, i have used both and Win2k is the better one. They both suck though. The sign i knew that XP was worse was when i installed Zonealarm and that corrupted the search dog thing. It was pretty much downhill from there. It didn't crash, but instead it would slow down and would only speed up again after a reboot.
Win2k is better and has some stablity(and decent for Windows uptimes) if you only check your emails and surf the web with Mozilla. Otherwise, you will probably get those "partial" crashes.

slackware is such an easy distro after a few years, in fact anything made out of linux is easy for me now. so i moved on to messing with the *BSD's especally NetBSD, seems funny that microsoft uses *BSD, and microsoft still sucks. what i can't believe is that they managed to fuck *BSD so bad, i mean, its all there.

Windows 2000 is nice, and I'd recommend it for servers, but XP is so much better for desktop use, what with the driver support, camera/scanner auto-setup, beautiful GUI, etc.

wow, win2k is great for servers, just hope that they  don't bsod when servering your pages, actally, reall servers use UN*X, now go away DIE MOTHERFUCK

silence, you lying hound.


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