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Program that resets trial programs (30 day trials, 15 day trials, etc)

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I'm looking for a program that can make it so I can use a 15 Free Trial over, and over. I know one exists.


What type of trial program is it you're using?

Chances are there is a Freeware/Open Source alternative that will do the job.

If there really isn't an alternative then paying the licence fee should be a relatively small sacrifice to help the developers continue making it better for you!


I'm looking for a program like BestCrypt, and those programs that delete all those IE files...

This usually is what I want to do on Windows machines when I am trying to delete those pesky files:


If you know the name of the program you're after, why not just search for it on google, or WinMX?

Also, use a bit of ingenuity regarding the program you want to use. As IanC said a minute ago, and you totally ignored him, there is probably a free program to do the job you want without having to resort to any dodgy registry editing or patching.

Finally, if all that doesn't work, try VoidMain;s solution above, his remedies almost always work perfectly.


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